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                Introduction of Enterprise

                Fujian Chaohui Group ,a large multiple development enterprise, integrated with aquatics breeding, processing,distribution of aquatic products, real estate exploitation and ocean fishery etc. The subsidiary companies of Chaohui Group include Fuqing Chaohui Aquatic Food Co.,Ltd. 、Fujian Chaohui International Trading Co.,Ltd.、Fuqing Investment Development Co.,Ltd and etc..

                The company headquarters in the Longtian Economic Development District of Fuqing City, Fujian Province, and opposite the beautiful Fulu Park. The traffic is convenient and the geographical location is unique.It covers an area of 120 acre,about more than 80000 square meters among which there is 40000 architecture area,with an investment of more than RMB200 million. He Daochao is the corporation legal representative .At present , the corporation owns 20000 square meters workshops in operation, five refrigerators of 12000 tons, one office building and two integrated buildings and three apartment buildings. The company adopts international advanced production line&sort of quick-freezing equipment. The workshop and production line are conform to the requirement of“Sanitary Requirements for Manufactures of Export Aquatic Food”. It was also examined and issued the certificate “ Green List Shrimp ”by USA  FDA,BAP 4 Star certificate. Moreover, the company guarantees the quality of products by well-equipped production facilities,completed monitoring process,advanced water treatment system and high standard biological lab, and gained certificates of ISO9001,HACCP,BRC, G-GAP,SMETA and authentication quality control system of exporting to EU aquatic products,.

                The company possesses a high quality,professional, and well-experienced management team.The total annual output is over 20000 tons. It has awarded as “The Export Model Enterprise of National Agricultural Products ”、“The National Advanced Enterprise”、“ Main Enterprises in Fujian”、“300 Competitive Enterprises in Fujian”,and also awarded “Famous Brand in Fujian”、“Head enterprises in Fujian”、“Green Food of Agriculture Enterprises ”、“Leading Enterprise of Agricultural Industrialization ”、“ Well-known Trade-mark in China ”and etc.

                   Our main products is Vannamei shrimp series , such as Raw and Cooked Vannamei Shrimp , Raw  and Cooked Peeled Tail-on Vannamei Shrimp, Butterfly Shrimp, Raw and Cooked Peeled and Deveined Vannamei Shrimp,Skewered Shrimp, Nobashi Shrimp,Cooked Shrimp Ring, Sushi EBi Butterfly Breaded Shrimp and etc. The products are exported to many countries such as America ,Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan, Korea and Southeast Asian nations, as one of the most large-scale aquatic processing enterprise.

                Fujian Chaohui Group won the trust of clients both home and abroad. We earnestly invite and welcome people from all over the world to visit us and cooperate with us. We would like to promote the development and prosperity of worldwide aquaculture with domestic and oversea clients hand in hand.